Monday, September 8, 2008


I have never been more appreciative of my DVR than in this dreadful election season. The ads on TV have gotten completely out of control. Are voters actually swayed by these things?! They must be since they run NON STOP. How can the non-DVRer handle it? I take much pride in hitting the fast forward button three times (yes, I'm awesome at the DVR control) as quickly as I hear that dreadful voice mention how terrible Candidate X is and all of the horrible things they have done. Ewww!

Since the new fall TV season isn't totally underway just yet, I ran into the dilemma of nothing to watch on the DVR during my big unscheduled weekend (it was perfect, and LONG overdue!). So I switch to Animal Planet and snuggled in when I realized that my all time favorite episode of Animal Cops Detroit was on. It was the one where the guy hoards 247 cats in his small fecal matter and cat hair infested home. No joke about this episode - 247 cats!! I've probably seen it at least 4 times, it's an 'oldie but goodie' and has been around since I've been in college. I am amazed every time at the conditions this man lives in! Yes, it is sad because he does have some mental issues to deal with and they have to put all 247 cats down because they're all feral but I really do recommend watching if you ever catch it - really amazing stuff. BUT, this time the episode was ruined by political ads during the commercials. How do you find me on Animal Planet, mean Candidate X?? Leave me and my Animal Planet alone! Isn't anything sacred?!

1 comment:

amo said...

WOW! At first I was shocked that there was a tv show called "Animal Cops Detroit" and then was even more astounded when I read that you have seen an episode more than once! Amazing! That particular episode seems especially disturbing. I think I would cry. It makes me think about that "feral child" story I read about on Dooce: Its REALLY sad....