Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Out of Shape

We spent part of our beautiful Memorial Day weekend indoors playing video games. But, the difference is that this one kicked my butt. All of those side and lower ab muscles are very sore today, a good thing being that those are my "problem areas". It does have a high price tag but I'm quite pleased with the purchase after only one day of play! My favorite things about this game include:

1. When you step on the board the system goes "Oh!" making you feel like a huge fat butt.

2. If you're BMI is anything over a 22, your Mii's figure explodes - awesome.

3. Summer months = no shoes = kinda dirty feet + white board = dirty feet outline.

4. The ability to change my calendar color to pink!

5. The impossibleness of the beginner strength exercises. There was lots of yelling at the trainer yesterday!

6. Being named a yoga master. Yes, that's right!

7. The appearance of all our Mii's throughout random games. I especially like when George Bush is in the hula hoop game!

8. I hold the record for the ski jump - take that Padeline!

9. The flapping arms during the step game.

10. Having the option to view your trainer from behind. Hello!

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